
Roskachestvo: Quality ice cream should be tempered

Russian stores sell only so-called tempered ice cream, the autonomous noncommercial organization Roskachestvo (Russian System of Quality) said in its latest research, which tells how to choose the best product.

To test the ice cream, you should take the product from the freezer and split a piece. If you succeed, then you know you have high quality ice cream – although, as specialists say, there is also soft serve ice cream, but it is not sold at regular retail stores.

While choosing the product, you should normally check the food labeling, Roskachestvo specialists say. In accordance with Russia’s GOST (State Standard), ice cream ingredients should include butter, eggs, cream, flavoring agents, stabilizers, and, of course, milk – the latter should amount to at least 40%.

The research says we shouldn’t be afraid of E numbers. Food additives are safe and used to enhance the appearance or texture of a product. Yet, those who are still fearful of E numbers always have an option of choosing ice cream that contains agar or gelatin.

By Taras Fomchenkov

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