Online education: Creating compelling and customer-centered offerings

The year 2020 marked a turning point for the education market, as all programs had to adapt to the new reality and shift to online learning. The added expansion of cutting-edge digital technologies changed the educational landscape considerably, prompting the emergence of a variety of innovative projects that quickly gained popularity.

Photo by Nick Morrison on Unsplash

Course production team key to success

The quality of online education depends on the project team led by an online course producer. Online course production is a relatively new field of management. Leading a team requires excellent proficiency in planning, development, promotion and customer interaction. In addition, given the ample supplies of free content and the lack of normalized prices of information products, every business idea in this market has as much a chance of hitting the jackpot as of failing.

To make sure the new business generates revenue, the online course producer needs to set up multiple processes.

  • Conceptualization and planning. The producer develops the general idea of the course, defines its structure, sets learner goals and expected outcomes.
  • Content sourcing. The producer is responsible for selecting the materials, learning resources, videos, texts, and other learning aids.
  • Working with experts. The producer may have to collaborate with teachers as well as specialists in the field in point to ensure high quality content.
  • Production (filming and editing). The producer participates in planning the shoot, picking the location, procuring equipment, and coordinating the editing process.
  • Marketing and promotion. The producer may be involved in promoting the course through developing a marketing strategy, creating promotional materials, and engaging audiences.

It is also important for the producer to be adaptable and open to change to quickly catch new trends and keep the project relevant.

Keeping up with trends

An online educational project’s revenue is directly dependent on the management team’s strategy. Some companies allocate a budget to produce video content for online courses and shoot in a studio with experienced teachers and crew. However, changes may occur so rapidly today that by the time a finished lecture is released, some of the information may no longer be relevant. And while some of the knowledge remains fundamental, practical approaches are constantly being adapted.

Indeed, in a couple of years, lectures from 2020 could be compared to watching an old movie, which few modern consumers can embrace easily. In addition, modern society is becoming increasingly fast-paced; many students do not even have time to watch videos. This drives the demand for audio content, particularly podcasts.

What the customer pays for

In the professional education segment – advanced training programs, retraining courses or projects to learn new skills – modern consumers prioritize the quality of content over the certificate in case of an emotional purchase.

With loads of free information available online, most users get lost in this abundance. What they really need is a framework and structure. Therefore, buying an online course, the student gets their content systematized. Your product provides them with an efficient path to achieve their learning goals.

Social interaction is an inseparable part of a training program and another important aspect for consumers. It is important to offer mentorship for the length of the entire course to involve students and increase the number of happy graduates. Moreover, further recommendations and customer returns directly affect the development of the project.

Remote education systems also play a key role. They allow for building a convenient schedule for students and using game mechanics, and offer students an opportunity to receive constant support from the curators and mentors regarding educational trajectory, etc.

And the last thing: consumers are unwilling to give money to strangers. It is necessary to pay attention to the reputation of the brand and boost public visibility of the project using honest reviews at specialized platforms, as well as engage in PR promoting of the online project and its teaching staff.

By Alexandra Samoilovskikh, Rector, Moscow Business School

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