Phygital sports: 10 key aspects of this phenomenon

The entire world has been swept into the era of information society, with rapid digital transformation of the economy and social life. Sports as an essential part of socialization could not remain unaffected by the overall computerization, informatization and further digitalization. Let’s look into the main aspects of digital sports evolution.

Alexander Kryazhev / RIA Novosti

1. What prompted the development of digital sports?

Digital sports started to emerge about 20 years ago, followed by their swift development. Obviously, it all started with cybersports that have now become the most important component of the enormous gaming industry. The Russian gaming industry sprouted in 2008–2009, cybersports being officially recognized in 2010. Moreover, the Strategy of Physical Fitness and Sports Development in Russia until 2030 features the term of innovative sports that include cybersports, sport programming, phygital sports and some others.

Without being too meticulous about the terminology and using digital sports for simplicity, it is important to understand how they came about so suddenly and develop exponentially to this day. Reasons seem to be plenty but the major ones are described below:

  • computers have become common daily attributes of our lives (especially among young people);
  • cheap internet is widely available;
  • there is a variety of inexpensive computer games.

Therefore, the emergence of digital sports was clearly a natural and evolutionary process. Time will tell if digital sports can fully compete with conventional sports; and yet, it is obvious that they already have a proper target audience while potential investors and sponsors show great interest.  

2. Phygital sports are the newest type of sport

Of all digital sports, phygital sports are the newest kind as of today. They were officially recognized on January 31, 2023, and are now included in the Russian National Register of Sports. According to the order by the Russian Ministry of Sports, “phygital sports are a combination of functional and digital sports,” that is, a synergy of physical activity and digital technology. This is what makes it different from cybersports, which only include video games but do not involve physical and movement activity.

Phygital sports are new, but a landmark tournament has already been planned: in 2024, Kazan will host the Games of the Future international multisport tournament, which will help develop this new and interesting movement of innovative sports.

3. It is necessary to develop commercial aspects of phygital sports

In order to start developing phygital sports in a successful and efficient way, one needs to remember about the necessary aspects of any kind of sports:

  • promotion and involvement;
  • tournament system;
  • and technology infrastructure;
  • (managers, coaches, referees);
  • financing and commercialization.

This poses the question: who will be in charge of all this? The answer is obvious: a relevant sports federation. All the more so there is one: the Russian Federation of Phygital Sports. Naturally, in the beginning it needs to be very efficient in interacting with government agencies at all levels. Then it will work out all right.

4. Phygital sports federation needs development strategy

The Russian national federation must have a development strategy for several years ahead – that is, at least a development program and a plan of events. It is crucial that the strategy would not be developed behind closed doors but in an open and transparent way with the help of players, experts and enthusiasts. It is important not to forget about the following issues:

  • a prompt development of regional structure (without a regional federation, it would be practically impossible to develop phygital sports in regions);
  • it is necessary to find enthusiasts of phygital sports development, that is, involve the public and create a community of like-minded people;
  • it is necessary to build business relations with other regional federations of sports that can combine physical activity and digital technology (for instance, football, hockey, tennis, MMA, etc.);
  • there must be many various competitions, including simple, accessible and inclusive ones.

5. How to involve people in phygital events

It cannot be done quickly, but it is important to develop the main segments of phygital sports simultaneously, such as school and university student events, phygital events for everyone and amateur competitions. It is not an easy thing to do, but regional federations and tournament organizers will be of help here. It is important that such things cannot be done on demand. By the way, it is believed that young people are all engaged in cybersports, but according to the official statistics of the Russian Ministry of Sport, there were only some 290,000 cybersport players in the country as of December 31, 2022. So, it is a false belief that “everyone plays it.”

6. Could phygital sports become popular?

This goal is very challenging as we can already see competition between digital sports – e-sports and phygital sports. Eventually, we will also see rivalry between phygital and traditional sports, which already include simulator and computer games, for those willing to engage and participate in sports events – and the federation should already be prepared for such competition. Also, the next stage will involve competition for spectators and fans on the web: today, sports are a very competitive field.

7. A club system is necessary

Phygital sports should be developed concurrently with efforts to establish a club system, which will probably be easier to implement based on the already existing phygital centers. So far, even the simplest phygital center model mainly involves technical and technological infrastructure. Those seeking to engage in phygital sports should not solely “play”, but have the opportunity to train and participate in competitions. Phygital clubs are highly necessary, including for promoting sports and raising the bar in sports performance.

8. Phygital sports development requires a consistent competition system

A smooth and multi-level competition system for every sport normally takes many years to develop – but as regards phygital sports, we do not have time for delay. There should be plenty of various competitions:

  • basic level school tournaments and competitions between schools (at urban, regional and national levels);
  • student tournaments;
  • amateur tournaments and mass competitions.

Core requirements should include accessibility, easy registration, fast participation, prompt infrastructure, and competent refereeing. This should apply to every region and city, which will allow participants in these competitions to promote and popularize this sport.

9. Winning your audience

Just as any spectator sport, phygital sports should have their own target audience of spectators and fans. At the beginning, you could make efforts to attract the target audience of cybersports – but only as an initial step. After that, the federation, jointly with regional structures, clubs and competition organizers, will have to build their own mass target audience to include those who will watch and enjoy phygital competitions and support participants. This is probably the hardest task for the new sport.

10. Could phygital sports be commercialized?

At the initial stage of the phygital sports development, the government is likely to provide assistance by allocating budgetary funds. Yet, one should immediately think about potential commercialization. It is an achievable goal? Theoretically, yes – if we mean the interest from potential sponsors and advertisers. But those will essentially need:

  • numerous competitions;
  • a vast number of participants;
  • audience’s interest (both offline and online);
  • media coverage of competitions and their live broadcasts;
  • prominent figures and stars of phygital sports, and others.

The overall tasks of the phygital sports development are very ambitious and time-consuming, and require a new generation of sports managers in order to be achieved. We will observe the process with interest and provide advice and assistance, whenever possible.

By Vladimir Lednev, Vice-President, Moscow Financial and Industrial University Synergy, Research Director at the Faculty of the Sports Industry, Head of the Sports Management Department, Doctor of Economics, Professor

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