Soviet Land in favor of USSR pensions

A state called Soviet Land was registered at platform. The virtual country’s constitution is presented at the platform as well. Andrei Milenin, the founder of that quasistate, employs the ideology and stylistics of the USSR.

Valery Melnikov | RIAN

It’s expected the residents will be attracted by bombastic rhetoric. The new state’s residents are promised to be repaid their deposits that were lost in the USSR Savings Bank. SLCR (Soviet Land Crypto Ruble) cryptocurrency is to be issued in circulation for payments among the Soviet Land citizens and interstate settlements. Soviet Land offers special advantages to the pensioners intending to set the retirement age and pensions scope at the levels practiced in the USSR.

The Soviet Land’s goal is “building a Soviet blockchain state of the future which will protect the rights of its citizens, grant everyone a right to participate in running the country, and restore social justice”.

Any former citizens of the USSR and their direct descendants are eligible for Soviet Land’s citizenship.

At the moment, the project has not got even a webpage. No reliable information on its founder is available either. To make a personal state at the blockchain platform, one only needs two minutes and $2. The platform already lists about 20 virtual states including Dimon P.S. and WowState.

The fashion for making digital states is spinning up. Not long ago, establishment of Decenturion blockchain state was announced.

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