Why COVID-19 left the news agenda and what it means for society

The situation with covid at the beginning of autumn in the country was assessed as quite manageable. According to the head of Rospotrebnadzor Anna Popova, we face decrease in the number of cases of primary pneumonia, loss of smell, severe course of the disease.

Ilya Naimushin / RIA Novosti

Indeed, the severity of clinical manifestations of coronavirus decreased. Covid is increasingly perceived by people as a more severe form of common flu. And in fact, the virus is in many cases takes the relatively mild form without complications. This is due to features of subvariants of “omicron” VA.4 and VA.5. One hopes the number of hospitalizations and the mortality rate in the new wave will be significantly less. Support for any preventive measures, such as the need to wear masks, is practically absent in society at the moment.

Control over compliance with the mask regime is weakened in the fall of this year. On different estimates of sociologists, the share of supporters of the introduction of the mask regime is not more than 25% in large cities, and in the regions it is much less.

The topic of vaccination was also de-identified gradually in the public sphere. Support for vaccination by the authorities reduced. Some governors have spoken out in support of increased vaccination rates and return of anti-covid vaccination sites to shopping centers. Total 11 of 85 regions announced the mandatory wearing of masks in public places.

Another obvious reaction from the authorities has not yet followed, there are no calls and justification for vaccination for the population this fall. It is possible that there are no plans to increase the administrative impact on vaccination rates.

How to treat coronavirus

Despite the fact that the virus has mutated and its new strains have not yet caused serious concern from health care of different countries, prevention measures should be maintained both in society and on a personal level of every person.

The greatest danger from coronavirus, like any other viral disease, is for elderly citizens, as well as those with chronic diseases. First of all, these categories of patients need to strengthen immunity. Moreover, with weakened immunity, the risk of infection and severe course of the disease is higher, as well as in this state patient should not be vaccinated. With a stable immune system, the human body is able itself to cope with SARS, influenza and COVID-19. Organism is able to produce a sufficient number of immune factors, cells, which eliminate the virus, lyse it in cells and produce sufficient amount of specific antibodies for body protection and recovery.

Immunity needs to be trained, and this is relevant for everyone. It’s hardening, preparation for changing temperatures. Or a time-tested way – training the body’s adaptation resources in a medical setting with cryotherapy, when with the help of cold we temper the body and prepare it to face the cold. This procedure also allows you to reduce the level of inflammation in the body, which affects favorably the strengthening of immunity and prevention of age-related changes.

Vitamin deficiency can provoke the development of viral diseases. In hypothermia period zinc amount in the body falls critically – this is vitally important micro element that is involved in our antiviral reactions and immunity reactions, it is responsible for antiviral protection. Many people have either low or deficient zinc levels. Therefore, the cold instantly exerts impact on overall incidence increases. Lack of vitamin D is critical in the autumn-winter period as well. It is necessary to consume enough of this vitamin in food. Many people have a lack of vitamin A, because of two possible reasons – either not consuming enough with food, or due to diseases of gastrointestinal tract not absorbing it with food. Meanwhile, vitamin A is very important for the immune system, mucous membranes and the production of specific antibodies for protection against viruses, and bacteria. It is recommended to prepare for cold weather by consuming these vitamins additionally, but only in case of their deficiency!

In most cases, doctors recommend the in-house treatment of mild cases of infection. This will avoid nosocomial infections that are common in medical institutions. This is a big health care issue all over the world. Nosocomial infections can exacerbate major diseases, increasing the duration of their treatment, as well as provoking complication of chronic diseases. Now doctors know how to treat coronavirus, there are both instructions and medicines. You need to contact your doctor, follow bed rest, sleep a lot, take symptomatic drugs prescribed by a doctor. The most important thing is to start treatment at the first hours without waiting for the situation to worsen.

By Olga Shuppo, Scientific Director of GrandClinic, the Network of Immunorehabilitation Clinics and Preventive Medicine

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