The President equated the electronic version of documents from the mobile applications “Gosuslugi” to the paper original. Presenting them instead a paper passport will be possible at the request of a citizen.

Citizens can provide documents through a mobile application voluntarily.
The head of state instructed the government to determine, in coordination with the FSB, the list of documents that can be presented using a mobile application, as well as the procedure for its use and processing the information provided.
It is noted that Russian citizens will be able to use a digital passport in their smartphone instead of the original in “80% of household cases.”
“Commendable, very commendable!” – economist, associate professor of RANEPA Sergey Khestanov notes. – Carrying a passport with you is inconvenient and it wears out quickly enough. Twice I was forced to change my passport from for wear and tear (when I went on business trips a lot). With application it is much more convenient.”