
Rhenium-SCT to treat NMSC

OncoBeta, a Medical Device Company specializing in innovative epidermal radioisotope therapies for non-melanocytic skin cancers, announced that Dr. Lutz-Hendrik Holle, Medical Director of the interregional professional association for nuclear medicine in Hanau, accomplished the first Rhenium-SCT (skin cancer therapy) treatment in Germany. This state-of-the-art technology of local radionuclide therapy offers a painless and non-invasive treatment option for patients with basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma and the interregional professional association for nuclear medicine Hanau is the first center in Germany that offers the Rhenium-SCT, Pressebox portal reports.

With approximately 50K outpatient examinations annually, the interregional professional association for nuclear medicine Hanau is one of the biggest nuclear medicine service providers in Hesse. The offered services include a variety of different modern treatment and diagnostic methods. The key argument for the expansion of the spectrum was that the Rhenium-SCT is a new, painless and highly efficient treatment option that also delivers excellent cosmetic results. Besides being a painless alternative to other procedures, the Rhenium-SCT also allows the treatment of numerous NMSC lesions consecutively in a single session, which was already realized during the first treatment in Hanau. This has also attracted international attention so that an American patient travelled to Hanau for the treatment.

“This therapy is particularly suitable for tumor localizations where good cosmetic results are to be achieved. The fact that the treatment is completely painless and can be performed in just one session is a great advantage”, Dr. Lutz-Hendrik Holle said.

As Shannon D. Brown III, CEO and Managing Director of OncoBeta GmbH noted, “We are proud to be able to offer our revolutionary treatment to patients in Germany now. The interregional professional association of nuclear medicine in Hanau is an excellent partner for NMSC patients in the fight against NMSC. Unfortunately, Germany is one of the countries that has experienced a drastic increase in newly diagnosed NMSC cases in recent years. Our highly qualified team strives to provide physicians and patients with a non-invasive and affordable solution to treat NMSC, while focusing on the needs of the patient.“

The global incidence of non-melanoma skin cancers has been drastically increasing over the past decades. Depending on the source, it is estimated that there are over 5 mio non-melanoma skin cancer cases reported globally each year. In certain analyzed areas of Germany there was an increase in the incidence between 2005 and 2014 of about 30%. To serve the growing medical need for innovative therapies in this field and to improve the quality of patients’ lives, OncoBeta GmbH has developed its innovative Rhenium-SCT which only require a single application in most of the cases, applied in one single session with excellent aesthetic outcomes.

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